Specifications | OSD Application Note 101 - Plasma Monitoring.PDF RPini |
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Specifications | OSD Application Note 101 - Plasma Monitoring.PDF RPini |
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Specifications | OSD Application Note 101 - Plasma Monitoring.PDF RPini |
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Content | SpecialistsSpecialistsSpecialists in Spectroscopyin Spectroscopyin Spectroscopy Optical Spectroscopy DivisionOptical Spectroscopy DivisionOptical Spectroscopy Division F L U O R E S C E N C E • F O R E N S I C S • O P T I C A L S P E C T R O S C O P Y • R A M A N • E M I S S I O N • O E M & G R A T I N G S • T H I N F I L M SHORIBA GROUP www.jyhoriba.com APPLICATION NOTE # 101 PLASMA MONITORING Introduction: Improvements in Sputtering Deposition systems have led to the use of pulsed plasmas. It is believed that pulsing the plasma causes a temporary increase in electron temperature and that as pulsing frequency increases higher plasma potentials result. Higher plasma potentials cause higher energy ion bombardment of films and thus greater surface mobility of atoms and more thermodynamically favorable film growth. For the systematic study the effects of frequency and duty cycle on pulsed plasmas for sputtering systems, a spectroscopy system was designed using a JY Intensified CCD detector system to study the effects of pulsing parameters on the optical emission spectra. Experimental Setup: ICCD Plasma Generator Deposition Chamber I O CCD-3000 TRIGGER OUTPUT TRIGGER INPUT TTL ONLY INPUT EXTERNAL DETECTOR +15V BIAS IEEE-488 COOLER POWER SUPPLY CHASSIS GROUND Trg Int: 1.000 kHz PULSE IMPLS CW MOD TRIG D OVRLP REM 8 5 23 7 4 1 0 10X BK SPC EXEC ENTER 9 6 +/-. MODE TRIG TIMING LOCAL RS232 LEVELA BSTORE RECALL GPIB CUNITS PULSEOUT TRIG IN TRIG OUT Universal Pulse and Delay Generatori-SPECTRUMONE DETECTOR TRIGGER OUT MONITOR PULSE COUNT ENABLE TRIGGER IN OPT TRIG IN 25 meter Fiber Optic Cable Trigger Out Pulse and Delay Generator F/# Matching Optics and Order Sorting Filter Wheel Trigger In TRIAX320 Features Benefits Complete Integrated Spectroscopy System Quick Setup Time and Fast Results Fully Automated Spectrometer Repeatable and Consistent Ultra-High Speed Gate Width ICCD Easily Characterize pulsed plasmas with up to 20 MHz frequencies Steady State and Time-Domain Measurements Multiple sets of information Collected with one System Experiment: In sputtering deposition systems, a pulsed plasma is generated in a vacuum chamber. Material from a target inside the chamber is vaporized, and the vapor is deposited on a substrate. The ratio of the gas mixtures in the plasma can be controlled remotely, and affects the deposition rate. The repetition rate and duty cycle of the pulsed plasma generator are also used to adjust the deposition rate and more importantly the quality of deposition. The plasma is optically monitored using an optical fiber inside the chamber and near to the plasma. The fiber brings the emission light to the entrance of the TRIAX 320 spectrometer for analysis. The spectrometer disperses the light into its individual wavelength components and presents the signal to the i-SpectrumONE ICCD detector. Together, the TRIAX 320 and i- SpectrumONE ICCD detector system can be used to collect either steady- state or time based spectra and provide useful information about the chemical processes inside the plasma chamber which would be difficult to achieve by other measurement means. |
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