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Specifications | David Markell |
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Content | MODELITHICS, INC. z Tampa, Florida, USA z www.Modelithics.com sales@Modelithics.com z © 2012 Modelithics, Inc. Precision Measurements and Models You Trust ® Pout_dBm, PH2_dBm, PH3_dBm 10 20 30 40 50 60 10121416182022 Pout_dBmPH2_dBmPH3_dBm Unleash Compact Transistor Models With X-Parameter Technology Modelithics X-Parameter Model Conversion Service Modelithics is pleased to introduce the first-ever X-Parameter Model Conver- sion Service in the industry to convert existing compact models in Agilent ADS to X-Parameter based models. The X-Parameter models are then available for use in EDA (Electronic Design Automation) software tools with X-parameter capabilities (such as Agilent Genesys, ADS, GoldenGate, and SystemVue plat- forms). The generated X-parameter models retain the accuracy of the compact version, while offering faster simulation speed. This service will unleash existing nonlinear device models from manufacturers and make them available for multiple EDA tools which will provide more flexi- bility and benefit to designers. Nonlinear X-parameters: x Provide mathematically correct extensions of S-parameters to large-signal conditions with fully nonlinear framework that provides both the magni- tude and phase of the distortion. x Cover both large-signal and small-signal conditions, and capture complete linear and nonlinear behavior at all loads. x Measure and characterize the amplitudes and relative phase of harmonics generated by components under large input power levels at all ports. Modelithics X-parameter Conversion Service x Generate non-linear X-Parameter models from existing compact models to make them available for multiple EDA tools. x Converted X-Parameter models offer the same accurate large signal predic- tion, such as power compression and load contours with much faster sim- ulation speed and better convergence characteristics. x Customer Input needed: access to non-linear model if not available on in- ternet or already in Modelithics NLT Library, plus details on desired model range of use in terms of frequency, operating bias and impedances. Comparison of the delivered power con- tours between the compact model with the X-parameter version shows good agreements The simulated output spectrum up to 3rd harmonics between the compact and X- parameter versions of the 100W LDMOS device is shown to present good match. “X-Parameters” is a registered trademark of Agilent Technolo- gies. The X-parameter format and underlying equations are open and documented. For more information on X-parameters, visit http://www.agilent.com/find/eesof-x-parameters-info 12141618201022 20 30 40 50 10 60 RFpower Spectrum[1] (H) Spectrum[3] (H) Spectrum[2] (H) Output spectrum, dBm H indep(Pdel_contours_scaled) (0.000 to 28.000) Pdel_contours_scaled (H) H Data1 {AMP_FRS_MWE6IC9100NR1_001} VDC=0V v2 IDC=0A i2 C=1mF C2ZO=0.93 – 0.83jΩ [ZL] Port_2 VDC=0V v1 IDC=0A i1 C=1mF C1 Z X=13.3Ω [im(ZS)] R=0.001Ω IMP_IMPEDANCE_1 PH=0° PAC=10dBm [RFpower] F=920e+6Hz [F] R=43.6Ω [real(ZS)] PORT=1 VS1 Z0=10ohm Similar Accuracy, faster simulation speed Genesys Example Using the Converted X-parameter Model 890930850960 -30 -26 -22 -18 -34 -14 22.0 22.2 22.4 22.6 21.8 22.8 freq, MHz S21 (dB) S11 (dB) Simulated S-parameters from two versions of the 100W device model confirm the X- parameter model reproduces the compact version very well. An example X-parameter model generated from a compact version for a 100W LDMOS device is shown to demonstrate its performance. Ref. 120502 |
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Following Datasheets | 153166529RF_Power_Meas_Part_III (6 pages) 1534_2 (2 pages) 154138592AN248 (4 pages) 154499198AN299 (3 pages) 1546_2 (2 pages) 1547_3 (3 pages) 1571_2 (2 pages) 1572_2 (2 pages) 1585_1 (5 pages) 1590_2 (3 pages) |
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