Specifications | Ototoxic hazardous substances, Focus on IFA s work No. 0310 IFA |
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Specifications | Ototoxic hazardous substances, Focus on IFA s work No. 0310 IFA |
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Specifications | Ototoxic hazardous substances, Focus on IFA s work No. 0310 IFA |
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Content | 0310 Edition 4/2010 617.0-IFA:638.22 Ototoxic substances Problem Ototoxic substances are chemicals which may damage the inner ear and/or the nerves leading to it, thereby causing disorders such as hearing loss and disturbance of the sense of balance. In accor- dance with the EU Physical Agents (Noise) Direc- tive 2003/10/EC, employers must consider the combined effects of noise and ototoxic agents in risk assessments, where technically feasible. This directive was implemented in Germany on 6 March 2007 in the form of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation on Noise and Vibra- tion (LärmVibrationsArbSchV). The scientific knowledge required for evaluation of the risk of ototoxic effects posed by agents is often incom- plete. For this reason, current knowledge on the ototoxic properties of agents should be surveyed, and the sectors and specific areas identified in which high exposure to ototoxic substances and also noise exposure occur. Activities In the course of a comprehensive literature survey, agents associated with hearing loss were identi- fied; and the scientific findings from animal tests and epidemiological studies on the ototoxicity of these substances, together with the observations on the combined effects of noise and ototoxic sub- stances, were compiled and evaluated. In order for working areas associated with a possible elevated risk of hearing loss to be identified, data relating to workplace exposure to particular ototoxic sub- stances were selected and evaluated from the IFA s MEGA exposure database. Cross-section through the cochlea of the inner ear, Copyright: Creative Commons License The working areas thus identified were then com- pared against the IFA s MELA database of meas- ured data on workplace exposure to noise. The results have been used, among other things, in a project entitled Combined Exposure to Noise and Ototoxic Substances funded by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. Together with other European OSH institutes, the IFA was involved during this project in drafting a report by the Agency in order to provide an up-to-date picture of the state of knowledge in this area. At the heart of the report was the development of an agreed list of ototoxic substances. Following weighting of the evidence of relevant studies, the substances concerned were classified in a system. |
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