Specifications | 3phaseCT.qxd local1 |
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Specifications | 3phaseCT.qxd local1 |
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Specifications | 3phaseCT.qxd local1 |
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Content | 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 20406080100 150 ohms 100 ohms 50 ohms PRIMARY AMPERES Three-Phase Current Transformers Accessories Use with GIMA Series meters Reduces high AC current signals AAPPPPLLIICCAATTIIOONN::Ammeter, wattmeter, 3-phase, other switchboard applications, current to volt- age conversion by use of a loading resistor as illustrated in the graph below, having low sec- ondary output. SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss:: FFrreeqquueennccyy::50-400 Hz. IInnssuullaattiioonn LLeevveell:: 0.6kV, BIL 10 kV full wave TTeerrmmiinnaallss are No. 8-32 brass studs with one flatwasher, lockwasher and regular nut LLooaadd RReessiissttoorrss may be mounted directly on terminals, saving space WWeeiigghhtt approximately 1.75 lbs. E93779LR89403 WWiiddtthh:: 7.13 HHeeiigghhtt::3.19 LLeennggtthh:: 2.22 Catalog Number 37026 37027 37028 37029 37030 Current Ratio 50:5 100:5 150:5 200:5 300:5 Accuracy @ 60 Hz ±3% ±1% ±% ±1% ±1% Burden VA 60 Hz 2.0 2.0 4.0 5.0 10.0 Revised 10/05 The graph below illustrates voltage output capacity, and over the ranges shown will maintain ±3% linearity. |
Following Datasheets | ThreeState_Bibuf_AN (4 pages) ThreeState_BoardTest_AN (2 pages) threew (1 pages) thrmobnd1500hrdner (4 pages) thrmobnd1500resin (4 pages) thrmobnd1600hrdner (4 pages) thrmobnd1600resin (4 pages) thrmtant (9 pages) Through-Hole-Printing (7 pages) thru-bolt-bracket (1 pages) |
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