Specifications | IEEE 802.16-07/042 IEEE P802.16g/D9 RevCom Application Roger Marks |
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Specifications | IEEE 802.16-07/042 IEEE P802.16g/D9 RevCom Application Roger Marks |
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Specifications | IEEE 802.16-07/042 IEEE P802.16g/D9 RevCom Application Roger Marks |
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Content | .br 12. PATENT/COPYRIGHT and REGISTRATION ISSUES A. Anypatent letters of assurance (LoAs) receivedbythe Sponsor are to be forwarded to the PatCom Administrator [Fax: + 1 732 875 0524]. B. Isthere anycopyrighted material in the proposed standard?YesXNo If yes, include copyright release(s). C. Isthe registration of objects and/or numbers a provision ofXYes NoAlready approvedbyRAC the proposed standard? If yes, include a proposal for review by the IEEE-SA Registration Authority Committee (RAC). 13. INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ACTIVITIES (Not required for reaffirmation) Is this document intended to be the basis of or included in an international standard?XYes (Explain)No The base standard is recommended in ITU-R Rec. F.1763 and ITU-R Rec. M.1801. It would be appropriate to include this amendment when these recommendations are revised, but no revision schedule has been set. 14. UNIT OF MEASUREMENT(check one) XInternational System of Units (SI) - MetricInch/Pound Both Notmeasurement sensitive Other 15. Source Materials Submitted to IEEE Standards Department A. Have electronic versions of the source documents (text and figures)XYes NoFormat: FrameMaker been provided? B. Will a diskette or other online material be required to accompanythe Yes XNo published standard? 16. Submission checklist(X = included in submittal packageN/A = Not applicable) Submission Package ItemList URL if online XThis submittal form XBallot summary form(s) (1 per ballot cycle) SeemyBallot XCopies of unresolved negatives&rebuttals http://ieee802.org/16/docs/07/80216-07_027.pdf XPAR and PAR approvalletter http://standards.ieee.org/board/nes/projects/802-16g.pdf N/A Coordinationcomments and responses X.pdf of final balloted draft #D9http://ieee802.org/16/pubs/80216g.html N/A Permissions©right releases IEEE-SA Standards BoardApproved Revision 7 December 2000 |
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Following Datasheets | 80216-07_042r1 (7 pages) 80216-07_043 (6 pages) 80216-07_043r1 (6 pages) 80216-07_044 (7 pages) 80216-07_046 (16 pages) 80216-07_048 (11 pages) 80216-07_049 (6 pages) 80216-07_050 (6 pages) 80216-07_051 (7 pages) 80216-07_054 (16 pages) |
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