Specifications | IEEE 802.16-07/041 IEEE P802.16g Sponsor Ballot Recirculation #4: Cover Letter Roger Marks |
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Specifications | IEEE 802.16-07/041 IEEE P802.16g Sponsor Ballot Recirculation #4: Cover Letter Roger Marks |
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Specifications | IEEE 802.16-07/041 IEEE P802.16g Sponsor Ballot Recirculation #4: Cover Letter Roger Marks |
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Content | 2007-08-08IEEE 802.16-07/041 IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access http://WirelessMAN.org Roger B. Marks Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group NextWave Broadband, Inc. r.b.marks@ieee.org 8 August 2007 Dear P802.16g Balloting Group: Thank you for your participation in the Sponsor Ballot Recirculation of P802.16g/D9, which ran from 11-26 April 2007. The numerical results stand at 136 Approve, 2 Disapprove, and 14 Abstain. This satisfies the numerical conditions for approval. No comments or votes were received in the latest recirculation. Subsequently, an approval application was submitted to RevCom. RevCom denied the application due to procedural concerns related to the recirculation of comments that were submitted directly to the Working Group rather than through the IEEE’s myBallot system. The IEEE-SA Standards Board has requested an additional recirculation with the unresolved Disapprove comments and responses individually entered into the myBallot system “for ease of submittal package review by RevCom.” This information has been entered into the system for your review. Please note that, in some cases, comments were provided to the Working Group in formatted text that cannot be rendered in myBallot. Therefore, we have used the following conventions: <u>text</u> represents text <b>text</b> represents text <i>text</i> represents text <strike>text</strike> represents text For reference, the formatted comments are available at this URL: <http://ieee802.org/16/docs/07/80216-07_027.pdf>. I am hereby requesting that IEEE initiate Recirculation #4. No additional draft is included, since the previously- recirculated draft P802.16g/D9 remains current. Since this is a recirculation ballot, you need respond only if you wish to change your vote. If you do not respond to this recirculation ballot, your last vote will be carried forward. Also, as this is a recirculation ballot, a change to “do not approve” (i.e., a negative vote) with comments shall be based only on the changed portions of the balloted document, clauses affected by the changes, or portions of the balloted document that are the subject of the unresolved negative votes. Please note that the myBallot system must be used as the mechanism for ballot comment submission. To my understanding, it is the RevCom position that, for any additional comment to be considered as a valid element of a Disapprove vote, that comment must be entered into the myBallot database by the voter. Sincerely, Roger Marks Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access Æ |
Following Datasheets | 80216-07_042 (7 pages) 80216-07_042r1 (7 pages) 80216-07_043 (6 pages) 80216-07_043r1 (6 pages) 80216-07_044 (7 pages) 80216-07_046 (16 pages) 80216-07_048 (11 pages) 80216-07_049 (6 pages) 80216-07_050 (6 pages) 80216-07_051 (7 pages) |
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