Specifications | IEEE 802.16-07/033 P802.16g Disapproval Notification David L. Ringle |
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Specifications | IEEE 802.16-07/033 P802.16g Disapproval Notification David L. Ringle |
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Specifications | IEEE 802.16-07/033 P802.16g Disapproval Notification David L. Ringle |
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Content | 8 June 2007 Roger Marks NextWave Broadband, Inc. 4040 Montview Blvd Denver, CO 80207 cc: Paul Nikolich, C/LM Liaison Richard Snyder, MTT Liaison Michael Kipness, Program Manager William Ash, Program Manager Kim Breitfelder, Manager-Standards Editing and Production Geoff Thompson, RevCom mentor RE: NEW P802.16g/D9 (C/LM + MTT) IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks - Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed and Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Systems - Amendment 3: Management Plane Procedures and Services Dear Roger, I must inform you that P802.16g was disapproved as a new amendment to IEEE Std 802.16-2004 by the IEEE-SA Standards Board on 7 June 2007. The Sponsor must conduct a recirculation ballot to show all unresolved comments associated with negative votes, and their responses, to the ballot group. The Sponsor is encouraged to input all comments and responses into the myBallot system for ease of submittal package review by RevCom. The Sponsor shall inform the ballot group that the myBallot system must be used as the mechanism for ballot comment submission. Geoff Thompson will be the RevCom mentor to the Sponsor. Sincerely, **************************************************************** David L. Ringle Manager - IEEE-SA Governance, Policy & Procedures IEEE Standards Activities Department 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854 TEL: +1 732 562 3806 FAX: +1 732 875 0524 d.ringle@ieee.org **************************************************************** IEEE 802.16-07/033 |
Following Datasheets | 80216-07_034 (12 pages) 80216-07_035 (6 pages) 80216-07_036 (15 pages) 80216-07_037 (13 pages) 80216-07_037r1 (18 pages) 80216-07_039 (9 pages) 80216-07_040 (12 pages) 80216-07_041 (1 pages) 80216-07_042 (7 pages) 80216-07_042r1 (7 pages) |
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