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Content | this newsletter is produced and distributed by the national coordination office for space-based pnt, the central node within the government for gps-related policy matters. for more information, please visit www.pnt.gov. contact steve sidorek at steven.sidorek@pnt.gov or 202-482-5838 to request email list additions, removals, or changes. herbert c. hoover building, room 6822 · 14th & constitution ave., nw · washington, d.c. 20230 www.pnt.gov GPS T.R.A.C.K.E.R. October 2009 Senate Upholds $97.4 Million Cut to GPS Program Senate appropriators followed the lead of the House in reducing the Next-Generation Operational Control Segment (OCX) of the GPS modernization program by $97.4 million, citing contract delays. The upper chamber passed the fiscal year 2010 defense appropriations bill (H.R. 3326) on October 6. To learn more about the status of GPS program funding, visit http://pnt.gov/policy/legislation/funding/2010.shtml. Appropriators & Authorizers at Odds Over Loran-C The House approved the conference version of the fiscal year 2010 DHS appropriations bill (H.R. 2892), which allows the Loran-C system to be shut down in January 2010. DHS must first certify that the legacy navigation aid is not needed and its loss will not impair maritime safety. The President’s budget request calls for Loran-C termination, but does not foreclose future development of a national backup system. The Senate is voting on the bill this week. Meanwhile, the House and Senate committee versions of the Coast Guard authorization bill (H.R. 3619/S. 1194) require the retention and conversion of Loran-C into “eLoran” as a national GPS backup. For more, see http://pnt.gov/policy/legislation/bills.shtml#loran. New GPS Satellite Ready for Launch Boeing has successfully completed final factory testing of the first GPS satellite in the next-generation series known as Block IIF. The GPS control segment was able to send commands to the satellite in simulated operations, and GPS receivers acquired the satellite’s signals in ground tests. Launch is scheduled to occur in summer 2010 based on rocket booster availability at Cape Canaveral, Florida. FAA Approves GPS-Based Landing System The Federal Aviation Administration recently approved Honeywell’s SmartPath Precision Landing System, a technology designed to increase the safety and capacity of airport runways. It is the first approved ground based augmentation system (GBAS) supporting precision approach and landings using GPS satellites. GBAS technology is a key component of the NextGen air transportation system that will improve aviation safety and airspace capacity. Congressional appropriators fully funded this FAA effort at $7 million in the fiscal year 2010 Transportation/HUD spending bill. Setting the Record Straight… Is GPS “falling out of the sky,” as some headlines have suggested? No. The Air Force currently foresees no loss of service in the future, near or far. The Air Force has high confidence it will continue to sustain at least the 24 satellites required to maintain the current GPS performance standards. As of October 20, there are 29 operational satellites orbiting the earth actively broadcasting positioning, navigation, and timing messages to users, 24/7, 365 days a year, around the globe. In addition, the Air Force currently maintains four older satellites on orbit in residual status that can be brought back to operational status if required. The Air Force is actively modernizing the GPS constellation, which should enhance performance and capabilities. The Air Force has launched five GPS Block IIR-M satellites since the beginning of fiscal year 2008. The first of 12 GPS Block IIF satellites is set for launch by June 2010. The next generation of satellites, GPS III, is currently in development and on schedule for a first launch in 2015. See the official Air Force statement at http://www.afspc.af.mil/news/story.asp?i d=123150739. Information for Policymakers from the National Coordination Office for Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) |
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