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Content | Handbook 44 - 2007 1.10. General Code Section 1.10. General Code G-A. Application G-A.1. Commercial and Law-Enforcement Equipment. - These specifications, tolerances, and other technical requirements apply as follows: (a) To commercial weighing and measuring equipment; that is, to weights and measures and weighing and measuring devices commercially used or employed in establishing the size, quantity, extent, area, or measurement of quantities, things, produce, or articles for distribution or consumption, purchased, offered, or submitted for sale, hire, or award, or in computing any basic charge or payment for services rendered on the basis of weight or measure. (b) To any accessory attached to or used in connection with a commercial weighing or measuring device when such accessory is so designed that its operation affects the accuracy of the device. (c) To weighing and measuring equipment in official use for the enforcement of law or for the collection of statistical information by government agencies. (These requirements should be used as a guide by the weights and measures official when, upon request, courtesy examinations of noncommercial equipment are made.) G-A.2. Code Application. - This General Code shall apply to all classes of devices as covered in the specific codes. The specific code requirements supersede General Code requirements in all cases of conflict. (Amended 1972) G-A.3. Special and Unclassified Equipment. - Insofar as they are clearly appropriate, the requirements and provisions of the General Code and of specific codes apply to equipment failing, by reason of special design or otherwise, to fall clearly within one of the particular equipment classes for which separate codes have been established. With respect to such equipment, code requirements and provisions shall be applied with due regard to the design, intended purpose, and conditions of use of the equipment. G-A.4. Metric Equipment. - Employment of the weights and measures of the metric system is lawful throughout the United States. These specifications, tolerances, and other requirements shall not be understood or construed as in any way prohibiting the manufacture, sale, or use of equipment designed to give results in terms of metric units. The specific provisions of these requirements and the principles upon which the requirements are based shall be applied to metric equipment insofar as appropriate and practicable. The tolerances on metric equipment, when not specified herein, shall be equivalent to those specified for similar equipment constructed or graduated in the inch-pound system. G-A.5. Retroactive Requirements. - Retroactive requirements are enforceable with respect to all equipment. Retroactive requirements are printed herein in upright roman type. G-A.6. Nonretroactive Requirements. - Nonretroactive requirements are enforceable after the effective date for: (a) devices manufactured within a state after the effective date; (b) both new and used devices brought into a state after the effective date; and (c) devices used in noncommercial applications which are placed into commercial use after the effective date. Nonretroactive requirements are not enforceable with respect to devices that are in commercial service in the state as of the effective date or to new equipment in the stock of a manufacturer or a dealer in the state as of the effective date. [Nonretroactive requirements are printed in italic type.] (Amended 1989) 1-1 |
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