Specifications | LT3598 - 6-String 30mA LED Driver with 1.5% Current Matching Data Sheet Linear Technology Corporation |
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Specifications | LT3598 - 6-String 30mA LED Driver with 1.5% Current Matching Data Sheet Linear Technology Corporation |
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Specifications | LT3598 - 6-String 30mA LED Driver with 1.5% Current Matching Data Sheet Linear Technology Corporation |
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Content | LT3598 1 3598fa TYPICAL APPLICATION FEATURES APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION 6-String 30mA LED Driver with 1.5% Current Matching The LT®3598 is a fi xed frequency step-up DC/DC converter designed to drive up to six strings of LEDs at an output voltage up to 44V. LED dimming can be achieved with analog dimming on the CTRL pin, and with pulse width modulation dimming on the PWM pin. The LT3598 accurately regulates LED current even when the input voltage is higher than the LED output voltage. The switching frequency is programmable from 200kHz to 2.5MHz through an external resistor. Additional features include programmable overvoltage protection, switching frequency synchronization to an external clock, LED current derating based on junction temperature and/or LED temperature, LED string disable control, OPENLED alert pin and output voltage limiting when all LED strings are disconnected. The LT3598 is available in a thermally enhanced 24-lead (4mm × 4mm) QFN and 24-lead TSSOP packages. 90% Effi cient LED Driver for 60 White LEDs n True Color PWM™ Dimming Delivers Up to 3000:1 Dimming Ratio n Drives Six Strings of LEDs at Up to 30mA n 1.5% Accurate LED Current Matching n Wide Input Voltage Range: 3.2V to 30V n Output Voltage Up to 44V n Regulates Current Even When VIN > VOUT n Disconnects LEDs in Shutdown n Programmable Open LED Protection (Regulated) n OPENLED Alert Pin n Programmable LED Current Derating n Adjustable Frequency: 200kHz to 2.5MHz n Synchronizable to an External Clock n Parallel Channels for Higher Current per LED String n Thermally Enhanced 4mm × 4mm QFN and 24-Lead TSSOP Packages n Notebook Computer Display n Medium Size Displays n Automotive LCD Display LED Current Matching LT, LTC and LTM are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. TrueColorPWMis atrademarkof Linear Technology Corporation.All other trademarksare the property of their respective owners. Protected by U.S. Patents, including 7199560, 7321203. 2.61k 2.2µF 10µH 4.7µF 15nF 20mA 3598 TA01a LT3598 VO_SW FBOPENLED PWM SHDN RT SYNC CTRL VREF LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 LED5 LED6 VOUTSW VIN VCSSGNDTSETISET 1.00M 30.9k PVIN8V TO 40V 2.2µF VIN5V 14.7k 10nF47pF 100k 100k 10k 51.1k 100k 60.4k PWM SHDN SYNC TEMPERATURE (°C) –50 MATCHING (%) 0.5 1.0 0 –0.5 050–252575100125 –1.0 –1.5 1.5 3598 TA01b ALL SIX LED STRINGS |
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